Dunavski dijalozi 2019 / Zmago Lenárdič / Don’t think Art!
Otvaranje: Ponedeljak, 16. septembar, 20 časova
(16 – 27. septembar 2019.)

Izložba slovenačkog umetnika Zmaga Lenárdiča ,,Don’t think Art!“ deo je izložbenih postavki Dunav + u okviru Festivala savremene umetnosti ,,Dunavski dijalozi 2019″. Izložba će biti otvorena 16. septembra u 19:50h u Galeriji SULUV, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad. Selektor je Arne Brejc, galerista. O radu umenika Nadja Gnamuš kaže ,,Zmago Lenárdič has always seen himself in the position of the other – someone ill at ease in situations of certainty and dominant currents, be it the concept of the modernist universality of experience or the modern art system, which consented to the hodgepodge of art, capital, and neoliberal values. His last works take the form of implicit resistance, as urgent as it is impossible, since virtual political freedoms and the democratization of knowledge and speech mask their zero effect, internalizing and numbing within the structure of social action. […].”(Nadja Gnamuš ,“When looking, forget about art!”, Likovne besede, no.105, Ljubljana 2017, p. 58-62)
Zmago Lenárdič (1959, Ljubljana, Slovenia) After having studied philosophy and sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, he enrolled in the study of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1984. Then he gained a DAAD scholarship and acquired more expert knowledge at the Atelierhaus Worpswede. So far, he has realized over 30 solo exhibitions, painterly video installations, over 20 art videos, and participated at film festivals with his short films. In the 15-year long period as a freelancer in culture, he was active at home and abroad, receiving several expert awards, he represented Slovenia internationally at symposia and capitals of culture (Kopenhagen), and as artist- in-residence (Worpswede, Kleinsassen, New York, Düsseldorf), for the most part creating artworks eluding the existing and known paradigmatic patterns of the national visual scene. Since 2003 he has been employed at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana – professor for the subject of Painting.
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