Jun172019 Exhibitions and projects Sara Masnikosa / Sve igre koje smo igrali Exhibitions and projects 17 – 25. jun 2019.
May302019 Exhibitions and projects Aleksandra Saška Gruden / Vzorci prostora in časa Exhibitions and projects 1 – 31. maj 2019.
May132019 Exhibitions and projects Centar za nove medije kuda.org / SIGNALI – Algoritmi neposlušnosti Exhibitions and projects 13 – 24. maj 2019.
Apr262019 Exhibitions and projects BVBK (Graz) / Novi Sad – entrashed a work in progress with environmental sustainability – Open Gallery Exhibitions and projects 6 – 10. maj 2019.
Feb182019 Exhibitions and projects Dragana Kuprešanin / NEVIDLJIVI TALAS Exhibitions and projects 18 – 23. februar 2019.
Dec242018 Exhibitions and projects Milica Dukić / AKO BISMO SVI STAVILI MASKE… Exhibitions and projects 24. decembar 2018 – 11. januar 2019.
Dec172018 Exhibitions and projects MLS: Posle prekretnice vekova Exhibitions and projects 17 – 21. decembar 2018.
Dec32018 Exhibitions and projects Metanoja magacin (overunderground) – materijalni hendikepi instalacija i meditativnih objekata. Exhibitions and projects 3 – 14. decembar 2018.
Nov192018 Exhibitions and projects ART ILI PAKT / PERFORMANS, PERFORMATIVNOST I DOKUMENT Exhibitions and projects 19. novembar – 1. decembar 2018.
Oct192018 Exhibitions and projects Armin W. Nimra – Ruckerbauer i Gerhard Flekatsch / Traces Exhibitions and projects 19. oktobar – 3. novembar 2018.