As part of the annual program, SULUV presents exhibitions and manifestations created in cooperation with other institutions and associations in the fields of culture, art and education. In addition to the independent exhibitions of the members of the Association, the program also includes realized collaborations on an annual level with Academy of Arts in Novi Sad; Studio for multimedia art from Оdžаka, International Multimedial Art Festival IMAF; gаlеriјоm Bеl Аrt, Danube Dialogues, Union of Associations of Fine Artists of Yugoslavia; Center for new; An independent theater „Metanoia Artopedia“, Hungary; Association Aporon21, Graz; Association of Fine Artists of Serbia: Union of Feminist Organizations (Re)connection, Serbia; Art collective D. Ö. M. E. Hungary; School for primary and secondary education „Milan Petrović“, Inclusive gallery; Austrian Visual Arts Association Styria; Association of architects of Novi Sad; Association of fine artists of applied arts and designers of Vojvodina; Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Osijek; „Atelier 61“; Association KunstraumArcade Austria; The Pavle Beljanski Memorial Collection; Association of fine artists of Montenegro; Society of Visual Artists Ljubljana; Galleries of fine arts, Rajko Mamuzić’s gift collection