Radionica CRUCIAL SPILLS i performans OVERLEFT LEAVES (UMBLÄTTERN) / Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith Exhibitions and projects, Other activitiesBy SULUV5. April 2019.1 – 6. april 2019.
Igor Smiljanić / VERTIKALE U TERAKOTI Exhibitions and projectsBy SULUV25. March 2019.25. mart – 4. april 2019.
Ana Ivić / DESET ČUVENIH PRIZORA SA ZAPADNOG BALKANA Exhibitions and projectsBy SULUV11. March 2019.11 – 22. mart 2019.
10 GODINA ČASOPISA STRIPOLIS / razgovor i izložba Exhibitions and projectsBy SULUV9. March 2019.9 – 10. mart 2019.
Đorđe Ćorić / OTISAK ŽIVOTA Exhibitions and projectsBy SULUV25. February 2019.25. februar – 8. mart 2019.
Dragana Kuprešanin / NEVIDLJIVI TALAS Exhibitions and projectsBy SULUV18. February 2019.18 – 23. februar 2019.
Produkcija SULUV 2018. Exhibitions and projects, PublicationsBy SULUV14. February 2019.Četvrtak, 14. februar 2019. 18 časova