Johanna Bruckner / Unruly Desires for Cataclysmic Affects
21.11 - 2.12.2022.
(21.11 – 2.12.2022)
Unruly Desires for Cataclysmic Affects | by Johanna Bruckner
dobitnica nagrade „ExtraVALUE Art Award 2022“ Erste banke. Izložba se organizuje u saradnji sa „Kunstverein das weisse haus“, sponzorskim programom ExtraVALUE Erste banke i Austrijskim kulturnim forumom Beograd i njegovim partnerom galerijom SULUV Novi Sad.
Potpis fotografija: Johana Brukner, Tkivom, Skok, Prolaz, 2022, video instalacija na 3 kanala, snimak ekrana.
Johana Brukner: Neukrotive želje za kataklizmičkim efektima
U okviru dugogodišnje saradnje između (studija) „das weisse haus“ i ExtraVALUE sponzorskog programa Erste banke, 2016. godine uspostavljena je nagrada „ExtraVALUE Art Award“. Realizovana sa Austrijskim kulturnim forumom Beograd, a u organizaciji njegovog partnera galerije SULUV iz Novog Sada, nagrada podrazumeva samostalne izložbe u studiju „das weisse haus“ (23. septembar – 12. novembar 2022. godine) i galeriji SULUV (21. novembar – 02. decembar 2022. godine), jednomesečni boravak u Novom Sadu. Grad nosi titulu Evropske prestonice kulture i svoj umetnički program posvećuje osnovnim vrednostima Evropske unije, kao što su ljudska prava, multikulturalnost, interkulturalni dijalog, ekološka svest i mirovna politika.
Kustoska podrška: Rebeka S. Šmit
U svojoj multimedijskoj praksi, Johana Brukner ispituje međusobnu povezanost tehnologije i naših tela i potencijalni otpor koji se iz toga može izroditi. Njene višeslojne video instalacije sugerišu spekulativno zamišljanje stvarnosti, u kojoj su granice ljudskih, ne-ljudskih i kibernetičkih tela fluidne i stapaju se jedna u drugu. U tom kontekstu, telo se u radu Bruknerove radu pojavljuje kao afektivna, molekularna materija koja nadilazi granice naše organske konstitucije. Kao audio-vizuelni kolaži performansa, poezije, zvuka, digitalnih animacija i pronađenog snimljenog materijala, njeni radovi i sami postaju trans-telesni entiteti.
Johana Brukner (1984, Beč, Austria) je umetnica iza koje su brojne međunarodne izlažbe. Njeni radovi su između ostalih prikazani u „das weisse haus Vienna“ u Beču, Berlinskoj galeriji, Muzeju moderne umetnosti, Berlin (2022), MAXXI Muzeju savremene umetnosti, Rim (2021), ICA, Institutu za savremenu umetnost (2021), Mediteranskom bijenalu (2021) „SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt“ (2020), ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe (2020) 57. Venecijanskom bijenalu (2019), MAMCO, Muzeju moderne i savremene umetnosti, Ženeva (2019), Migros Muzej savremene umetnosti, Cirih (2018), između ostalih. Nagrađena je brojnim nagradama, kao što su Priznanje za vizuelne umetnosti Donje Austrije (2020), Nagrada za umetnost i veštačku inteligenciju „Re:humanism“ (2021), a najnovije su „PAX Art Award“, kao i „ExtraVALUE Art Award“ nagrada Erste banke, u sklopu koje se i realizuje ova izložba.
Prateći program projekta Art Body Art
Johanna Bruckner: Unruly Desires for Cataclysmic Affects
recipient of the Erste Bank ExtraVALUE Art Award 2022. In cooperation with the Kunstverein das weisse haus, the ExtraVALUE sponsoring program of the Erste Bank and the Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade and its partner SULUV gallery Novi Sad.
SULUV gallery (November 21 – December 02, 2022)
photo credit: Johanna Bruckner, Along Tissue, a Leap, Passing, 2022, 3 channel video installation, screenshot.
Johanna Bruckner: Unruly Desires for Cataclysmic Affects
In her multimedia practice, Johanna Bruckner examines the interconnectedness of technology with our bodies and the potential resistance that may arise from this. Her multi-layered video installations propose a speculative imagining of a reality, in which the boundaries of human, non-human and cybernetic bodies are fluid and merge into one another. In this context, the body in Bruckner’s work appears as affective, molecular matter that transcends the confines of our organic constitution. As audio-visual collages of performance, poetry, sound, digital animations and found-footage material, her works become trans-corporeal entities themselves.
Johanna Bruckner (*1984 in Vienna, Austria) is an internationally exhibited artist. Her works have been shown at das weisse haus Vienna, Berlinische Galerie, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Berlin (2022), MAXXI Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome (2021), ICA, Institute for Contemporary Art (2021), Mediterranea Biennale (2021), SCHIRN Kunsthalle Frankfurt (2020), ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe (2020), the 57. Venice Biennale (2019), MAMCO, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Genève (2019), Migros Museum for Contemporary Art, Zurich (2018), among others. She has been awarded with numerous awards, such as the Recognition Award for Visual Arts, Lower Austria (2020), the re:humanism Award for Art and Artificial Intelligence (2021) and most recently the Pax Art Award (2022) as well as the Erste Bank ExtraVALUE Art Award (2022), in conjunction of which this exhibition is realized.
Curatorial support / text by: Rebecca S. Schmidt
As part of the long-standing cooperation between (studio) das weisse haus and the ExtraVALUE sponsoring program of Erste Bank, the ExtraVALUE Art Award was initiated in 2016. Realized with the Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade and carried out by its partner SULUV, a gallery based in Novi Sad, the prize includes solo exhibitions in das weisse haus (September 23 – November 12, 2022) and SULUV (November 21 – December 02, 2022) a one-month residency in Novi Sad. The city holds the title of European Capital of Culture and dedicates its artistic program to the fundamental values of the European Union, such as human rights, multiculturality, intercultural dialogue, environmental awareness and peace policy.
Program – Projekat ART BODY ART
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